#DeLaReussiteParmiVous, one of the many hashtags that scroll in a continuous stream on the screens of our smartphones? You may think so, but that would be underestimating the scope of its ambitions.
This hashtag will not end up in the meanderings of the Internet. It is about to materialize as a visual campaign on bus shelters in Brussels and advertising displays at metro stations. It is already discussed on the radio and is displayed on television. Today, on 13 September 2018, it is officially celebrated during a press conference in Google’s Brussels neighbourhoods.
#DeLaReussiteParmiVous is a photo and video campaign made up of 18 professional profiles residing in Belgium and coming from various immigrant backgrounds. Congo, Turkey, China, Rwanda, Morocco, Poland, Eritrea, Japan, Cape Verde; origins that are still too often the subject of prejudice and discrimination. Origins which are each a reflection of 21st century Belgium. A Belgium that cannot exist in isolation and segregation, as can no other country. A Belgium in a connected, globalised and constantly changing world.
#DeLaReussiteParmiVous owes its drive and determination to its initiator, Chouna Lomponda, who for almost a year has been masterfully leading this project to maturity. It is thanks to her aplomb and vision that Success DiverStory asbl was founded and that public and private partners, media and digital, have joined her in this approach.

Chouna Lomponda once visualized this project as she was reading a press article on the web about the lack of diplomas in Brussels, illustrated by a photo of young teenagers “Black” and “Arabs”. If this no longer shocks many people today, it is because this fact is not isolated. These abbreviations are used daily. On the other hand, what never becomes commonplace is the impact of these reductive images on many young people in Brussels. This illustration in the media, which Chouna Lomponda has been working with for many years as a professional communicator, was therefore the trigger. As a “Black Woman”, as a Belgian of Congolese origin, as a mother of four boys, Chouna Lomponda cannot approve these practices. This is why she is now committed to presenting another face of diversity, with elegance, humour and spirit.
Profile of Fabrice Do Rego for the awareness campaign.
#DeLaReussiteParmiVous therefore aims to raise awareness among as many people as possible of a vision of an open world where the intrinsic character of each individual determines our participation in society, not physical appearances. It advocates the deconstruction of stereotypes and proposes new “model roles” in our society.
By presenting profiles of professionally successful people from minorities, this campaign aims to raise media awareness of the often one-dimensional reality of the images conveyed. It challenges political and economic decision-makers to make these issues a common agenda so that diversity becomes a strength, asset and wealth of our society. She wants to finally reach out to young people and inspire them.
#DeLaReussiteParmiVous is therefore the title of the great back-to-school awareness campaign, which aims to be seen and to change perception of others. If every campaign must come to an end, the most inspired have the power to reinvent themselves.
#DeLaReussiteParmiVous is a very inspired campaign…